Friday, May 27, 2005
Parenting without Prejidice
- Are you a parent with learning difficulties?
- Have you ever been let down by the medical system?
- Has the system affected your human rights as a parent?
- Have your feelings been ignored?
- Have your children been adopted against your wishe's, & without your consent?
If you have answered yes to most of these questions, or you have been in a similar situation then this may be the group for you. I will be setting up a group for parents with learning difficulties called 'Parenting without Prejudice'. This will be a campaign and support group based in Wiltshire aimed at helping parents who have been in difficultt and unfair situations with social services.
Please check out for my full story and other links to usefull websites.
Also please check out for the yahoo group to Parenting without Prejudice.
There was a news report on ITV about how a mother with mild learning difficulties lost both her children to social services just because they thought she couldn't cope. Both children were adopted to strangers within the month, and the Court of European Law have started an investigation saying that their rights as human beings were overlooked and ignored. shows you the problems parents are faced with when they go to court to determine the future of their parenting, and makes harrowing reading. is the Adobi link. is about social workers, and how one of them actually LIED in court.
Thank you for taking the time to read this, sorry that it's so long. The more support I can get, the more chance we have of infuencing change. :)